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Established in 1969 under the patronage of St. Paul, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama is missionary in nature. We are a community of disciples, representatives of many races and cultures, priest, deacons, women and men religious, and laity. As Church, our ministries and outreach encompass families, parishes, schools, associations, and a myriad of programs. We are spread through 39 counties over a geographic area of 28,092 square miles in the northern part of Alabama. We are a pilgrim-people, called to evangelize and to be evangelized. We are a Church committed to responsible stewardship of God's many gifts. Our vision is to be a Church renewed and renewing the face of the earth as a baptized community empowered by the Spirit, faithful to the Gospel, and committed to building the Kingdom of peace and justice.

- Bishop Baker Recommends
  'Humanae Vitae Study Guide'

- The Redemption of Our Bodies
- Serra Club Homily
- Red Mass Homily
- Easter Message 2008
- Good Friday Message 2008
- Homily of Cardinal
  Jean-Louis Tauran-Marino

- Chrism Mass Homily
- Speech to Catholic
  Medical Association