The Holy Rosary

Pray All 3 Misteries

  Joyful Mistries  
27.01 The Creed, 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary as
27.02 1. The annunciation: Mary is to be Mother of the Savior as
27.03 2. The visitation of Mary to Elizabeth as
27.04 3. The nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ as
27.05 4. The presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple as
27.06 5. The finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple  as
27.07 Hail Holy Queen as
27.08 Memorare and Prayers as
  The Sorrowful Mystries
27.09 The Creed, 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary as
27.10 1. The agony of Christ in the garden as
27.11 2. The scourging of Jesus  as
27.12 3. The crowning with thorns  as
27.13 4. The carrying of the cross  as
27.14 5. The crucifixion of Jesus as
27.15 Hail Holy Queen as
27.16 Memorare and Prayers as
  The Glorious Mystries  
27.17 The Creed, 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary as
27.18 1. The resurrection of Jesus as
27.19 2. The ascension of Jesus into Heaven as
27.20 3. The descent of the Holy Spirit as
27.21 4. The assumption of Mary into heaven as
27.22 5. The coronation of our Lady in heaven as
27.23 Hail Holy Queen as
27.24 Memorare and Prayers as